Monday 20 April 2009

5天4夜-哥打京那巴鲁-神山之游5D4N Kota Kinabalu Borneo Discovery


第一天: 抵步 / 哥打吉那巴鲁市区游 (晚)
从槟城飞往沙巴 - 哥打京那巴鲁,也被惯称为亚庇, 它是婆羅门州沙巴的首府也是进入沙巴的重要门户. 抵达后, 由当地专业导游接机.接着前往穆斯塔法纪念楼拍照留念, 参观亚庇最具规模的金碧辉煌的亚庇清真寺、州立清真寺、普陀寺,水上的乡村和沙巴州博物馆.过后据续前往巧克力专卖店,菲律宾市场,冷冻海鲜及本地工艺品商店购物. 晚餐后, 送往酒店休息。
Day 01 : Arrival / Kota Kinabalu City Tour (D)
Meet and greet upon arrival at KKIA and transfer for Kota Kinabalu City tour, a photo stop at the Menara Tun Mustapha Building (formerly known as Yayasan Sabah Building), KK City Mosque, State Mosque, Chinese Temple then proceed to the Heritage Village and Sabah State Museum, follow by transfer to KK Chocolate House, Filipino Market, Frozen Seafood & Local handicraft shop for shopping before check in Hotel. Overnight at preferred Hotel or Resort. Dinner at Local Restaurant.

第二天 : 哥打吉那巴鲁山~ 神山公园之旅 ( 早 / 午/ 晚)
在酒店享用过早餐后,驱车前往神山公园. 神山公园拥有得天独厚适合不同动植物生长的气候, 由山脚下的热带雨林, 橡树, 杜鹃花属到山峰寒带的针叶树林, 高山草地都可以在这里找到. 来到这里大自然就在你身边. 抵达后前往神山公园办事处办理登记手续. 过后, 前往坐落在海拔1866.4公尺上的登山起点 – Timpohon Gate. 在这里开始由登山向导带领你登上海拔3222公尺.入住拉班拉塔(Laban Rata), 晚餐.
Day 02 : Kinabalu National Park (B/L/D)
Breakfast at Hotel, Then enjoy an easy 02 hour scenic drive to the Kinabalu Park. Upon arrived at the park, you may explore the numerous trails around the Park is an excellent showcase of the diverse plant-life, Lunch then proceed to the Kinabalu Park HQ for Registration and meet your Mountain Guide and transfer another 4 km to the Starting Point – Timpohon at 1866.4m where the Summit Trail starts. Packed lunch will be provided. Check into one of the Mt hut 3222m, Overnight at the Laban Rata. Dinner.

第三天 : 登山/拉班拉打 ( 早/BBQ午/晚)
凌晨3点开始动身展开大约3小时(视体力而定)的登山路程, 这里到处都是坚硬的花岗岩, 但是高山灌木和劲草仍然在石缝间顽强的生长,后你就会登上海拔4095.2公尺上的羅氏峰 - 羅门州顶峰, 在这里你可以观赏奇妙的日出. 过后, 返回拉班拉塔(Laban Rata)享用过早餐后, 开始大约4 – 5 小时的下山路程, 抵达终点–Timpohon Gate后, 前往神山公园享用午餐. 驱车返回哥打京那巴鲁市, 晚餐于当地海鲜楼,餐後回返酒店休息
Day 03 : Mountain Climbing / Laban Rata (B/L/D)
0300 am, depart for the 3-hour trek (pending on fitness level) to the summit to catch the magnificent sunrise. By about 0600 are you reaching your final destination: the summit of Borneo at 4,095.2m is the Low’s Peak. Return to Laban Rata for breakfast and check out. The descent to Timpohon Gate takes about 4 – 5 hours Thereafter, transfer to the Kinabalu Park for lunch , After lunch, Return back to Kota Kinabalu City Hotel. Dinner at Local Restaurant.

第四天 : 巴达斯白水泛舟(早/午/晚)
在酒店享用过早餐后,从亚庇驱车前往丹南(Tenom), 在改换火车代步前往帮夷(Pangi). 抵达保佛 (Beaufort Town), 抵达后, 由专业人员讲解河急流泛舟的安全规则. 巴达斯河是飙筏探险运动者钟情泛舟的急流,在沙巴绝对不会错过寻找刺激体验的一条湍急河流。这条相当浑浊的河流长约30公里,奔湍的流道长达九公里,涵盖了八处急流,而且都被依水势的不同特性,冠上滑稽得令人会心的名称,即旋转木马急流、断裂极限急流、史古比都急流、眼镜蛇急流、弯曲急流、洗衣机急流、兰巴达急流和猎头者急流.在Royal站享用过午餐后, 据续泛舟到 Halogilat的终点站. 乘船返回保佛(Beaufort Town), 晚餐于当地海鲜楼,餐後回返酒店休息.
Day 04 : Padas White Water Rafting (B/L/D)
Breakfast at hotel, 0800hrs transfer to Tenom. 1145hrs arrive Tenom, change and proceed to Pangi by train. The thrilling yet scenic ride will take around 30min. Transfer to Beaufort Town. Upon reaching starting point, light refreshment will be served. Safety briefing will be given by the experience rafter. The 30km white water rafting is the longer rafting journey in Borneo. After 9th km of rafting which covers seven class III–IV rapids. Lunch at Rayol Station before continuing the rafting journey down the majestic rainforest of Borneo. Speedboat ride to Beaufort Town. Return back to Kota Kinabalu City Hotel. Dinner at Local Restaurant.

第五天 : 购物 / 回程 (早)
早餐于酒店, 送往哥打吉那巴鲁国际机场时间,乘搭客机返回家园。在此感激您参与光辉旅游. 祝您有个美丽的旅程.
Day 05 : Free and Leisure / Departure (B)
Breakfast at Hotel, Transfer to Kota Kinabalu International Airport for your departure flight back home. Thanks for using Speedy Travel & Transport Sdn Bhd.

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