Monday 20 April 2009

5天4夜-古晋风情游 5D4N Kuching,Discover Borneo


第一天: 抵步/古晋城市游 (晚)
抵达古晋国际机场, 由专业导游迎接后, 前往参观被政府列为受保护的历史性建筑物, 如最著名的有砂拉越博物馆及猫博物馆, 百年歷史的古廟大伯公廟及清真寺,古色古香的建筑物如法庭, 钟楼, 查尔士布洛克纪念碑, 四方堡垒和皇宫.参观市民中心,城市高塔, 河滨公园依偎在美丽的砂拉越河畔,是休闲逛街好去处, 可见公园雄伟的英雄纪念碑, 括过著名的城市标志,猫纪念碑, 唐人街, 等等.. 晚餐在当地餐厅. 入住酒店休息.
Day 01 : Arrival / Kuching City Tour (D)
Upon arrival at Kuching International Airport, warmest greeting by our friendly representatives. Proceed for half day Kuching City Tours, visit places of interest such as Colonial Court House, Astana, Clock Tower, Charles Brooke Monument, Sarawak Museum, City Mosque, Kuching Waterfront, Chinese Temple, City Tower and Giant Cat Monument. After tour, having dinner at local restaurant. After that, transfer to hotel for check in. Overnight at preferred Hotel.

第二天 : 史蒙谷野生动物保育中心/LemanakIban长屋 (早/午/晚)
早餐于酒店,前往史蒙谷野生动物保育中心观看野生人猿在自然环境里的生活习性.之后前往Lemanak河,(需车程约4个小时),抵达码头再乘坐长尾船约45分钟.让您与大自然亲吻, 体验充满了跋山涉水的过程及探险的意味.到达Lemanak伊班族的长屋, 原族民热情迎接, 参观长屋.晚餐后,欣赏原族民传统舞蹈及品尝香醇美味的糯米酒”Tuak”认您忍不住与原族民翩翩起舞.住基本设施的住宿.
Day 02 : Semenggoh Orang Utan / Lemanak Iban Long House (B/L/D)
Breakfast at Hotel, Visit the Orang Utan Centre & follow by Lemanak River. The journey will take about 4 Hours by Road and another 45 Minutes Thrilling Boat Ride by Motorized Long Boat ascending the Lemanak River where the boat ride begins. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience upriver trip against Fast Flowing Wild Rivers before arriving at the Iban Longhouse at Nanga Kesit. Dinner at the Guesthouse. Witness the traditional war dance in the evening while savouring the rice wine ‘Tuak’. Overnight at the guesthouse with the basic amenities.

第三天 : Lemanak Iban长屋 (早/午/晚)
早餐在长屋后,您可目睹或参与原族民共同学习吹筒,观赏斗鸡表演. 参加森林步行体验大自然的生活. 乘坐”长尾船”回码头. 之后返回古晋, 在返回路途中享用午餐. 入住酒店后,享用晚餐于当地餐厅.
Day 03 : Lemanak Iban Long House (B/L/D)
Breakfast at the Guesthouse. Witness the Traditional Way of Cock Fighting by a Blowpipe Demonstration. Be invited to participate in the Jungle Walk accompanied by the Native Trekker to learn about Nature. Depart by boat descending Lemanak River before taking the overland transfer to Kuching as per your arrival. Lunch en route. Transfer back to Hotel and dinner at Local Restaurant.

第四天 : 峇哥国家公园 (早/午/晚)
早餐于酒店,前往砂拉越最古老的公园,也是最好探索野生动物最佳景点如:胡子猪,长鼻猴,巨蜥,飞狐猴,银叶猴以及个种鸟类的好去处. 公园拥有迷人的沙滩以及許多徒步小徑可如您整天漫步探索. 午餐在食堂. 反回酒店,晚餐于当地餐厅.
Day 04 : Bako National Park (B/L/D)
Breakfast at Hotel, The Oldest National Park in Sarawak where wildlife such as Bearded Pigs, Proboscis Monkey, Monitor Lizard, Flying Lemur, Silver Leaf Monkeys roam freely. Probably the best place in Sarawak for wildlife experiences. A network of trail from easy forest strolls to full day Jungle Trek allows visitors to explore Bako’s Rich Biodiversity. Lunch at Canteen. Then transfer back to Hotel and dinner at Local Restaurant.

第五天 : 购物 / 回程 (早)
早餐于酒店,自由活动. 送往古晋国际机场,乘搭客机返回家园. . 在此感激您参与光辉旅游. 祝您有个美丽的旅程.
Day 05 : Departure (B)
Breakfast at Hotel, free until pick up time to transfer to Kuching International Airport for your departure flight back home. Thanking for using Speedy Travel & Transport Sdn Bhd.

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